Welcome to The Cool Girls

Friday, October 7, 2011

Bad Boys

Dear Cool Girls,
I have a problem I hope you can help me with.  I have 2 sons and they simply do not know how to behave in public.  I have tried to discipline them with time outs, grounding them from their video games and lectures.  It’s just not working.  What should I do?

Help me,
Wits End

Dear Wits,

I’m not sure exactly what you mean when you say your sons do not know how to behave in public.  What do they do?  Do they scream and cry or do they act out in other ways?  One suggestion I have is to parrot their behavior.  If they scream, you scream.  If they fart and belch, you fart and belch.  It’s always effective if you can parrot these behaviors in front of their friends.  I found this to work very well around Wally and the Beaver’s friends, all except Eddie Haskell.  He liked it.  Another suggestion is don’t let them out in public.  Might be hard to do, though.  Might even be illegal.

Hope this helps, and chin up!

June “SquarePeg” Cleaver


  1. Like, OMG. This is the second best blog I've ever seen!

    Best of luck!

    and depending on the age of wits end's son, I may be willing to help discipline them.


  2. Dad blast it....kato anon beats Goliath in being first to comment on blog. Goliath have to cede back half a credit to Kato in Blog war.
