Welcome to The Cool Girls

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Keeping Up Appearances With Special Guest Commentator Hyacinth "Bucket" Bouquet...World Renowned For Her Candlelit Dinners.

 As all of the "Cool Girl" are away today living beautiful perfect lives we have asked a dear friend from across the pond to instruct our  readers on proper phone etiquette and name dropping 101. Please take special note of Mrs. "Bouquet's" telephone greeting and how she  manages to seamlessly interject her relationship to those of high social stature into the conversation. ( Relationships, which as we all know, are so important to have if we are indeed to "Keep Up Appearances"). If per chance you do not have friends or relatives in high places, no worries. Just lie. :)    Enjoy!

It's a "Good Thing"
Martha "Jules" Stewart



  1. Goliath's mother's favorite show is 'keeping up appearances' Hyacinth, Daisy and what is the other sister's name? Buttercup?

  2. Violet and Rose ( with the very long legs and very short skirt). :)
