Welcome to The Cool Girls

Friday, October 7, 2011

Yard Saling 101

Dear Cool Girls,

With the economy in the shape it's in, and wanting to make the most of every dollar, I have begun crawling yard and tag sales in my neighborhood looking for bargains. Being new to this I was wondering if you have any tips on how I can make the most of my yard sale experience?

Thanks for any advice,
Watching Her Pennies

Dear Watching Pennies,

Yard sales have been an important part of my life since I was young and I'd be happy to share some of the things I've learned over the years that will enhance your yard sale experience and make you the queen of yard-sale bargains.

As with all things in life, position is EVERYTHING. I like to have my crew at the first sale by 3am. We mark a space off in the street in front of the house. We then pitch our tent, (complete with portable stove, Adirondack style table and chairs, provisions and camp ware for 100). I then send a staff member to the sale hosts front door to await the 9am sale time. (Perhaps you can send one of your children). If the seller happens to make an early appearance outside it is of course only good form to offer them some fresh-brewed coffee, freshly squeezed orange juice, (grown from my own orange tree's), and fresh-baked muffins.

But arriving early at the sale is only half the battle. Occasionally another savvy buyer will put me to the test, and that's when I have to use my other tried and true methods to score a sale.

A negotiating technique that seems to disarm most sellers, is to ask quite loudly, “Excuse me, but you want HOW MUCH for that piece of junk?” If that fails, a few faux cracks applied with a charcoal eye pencil to that vintage stoneware seems to do wonders in bringing about a drastic price reduction, and thus INSTANT SALE!!

Sometimes however, even stronger negotiating methods are required. Although I am proud to say that I have only had to use my stun-gun, ( so much more exciting than a glue gun), twice. Both times I'm happy to report with unqualified success. Once I had to repel another determined shopper, who would have certainly beaten me to a handsome Richard M. Nixon Vanity set. The second time? Well, my lawyers have advised me not to discuss that in detail, but I can tell you that it involved some 19th century tub tiles, and that Bob Villa learned a painful lesson that day. But that's what he gets for never showcasing my “Old House” on his silly TV show.

I hope these tips prove helpful to you Watching Pennies. If not, write back and we'll discuss using the Mr. Spock Vulcan Death Grip on your fellow buyers.

It's a Good Thing,
Martha "Jules" Stewart


1 comment:

  1. This site is AWESOME! I hope you gals keep this going even after the contest.

    Two thumbs up...way, way up!!!!!
